About the Internship

My name is Amber Martin, and I am currently working towards my BFA at the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design in Lancaster, PA. In 2009, due to my persistance in extending my education, I spent a semester studying Art History and Sculpture at the Studio Art Centers International in Florence, Italy. The experence entirely changed my perspective towards life, especially in regards to my education. Last summer, I was one of two students nominated by my professors at PCAD to receive a two-week scholarship in Florence through the Rome Art Program based on my artwork.
I am pleased to announce I’ve been invited back for two months this summer by the Rome Art Program to study abroad and intern in Rome Italy. During the month of June, I will attend the program as a student, training alongside our professors and teaching assistants. With the knowledge I gain, I will then intern as an instructors aide during July. Here are just a few remarkable things I will be experiencing in Italy:
  • Daily plein-air painting in watercolor, where the streets & corridors of Rome are the   studio.
  • Daily drawing in plein-air & transcribing masterworks in churches & museums across Rome.
  • Weekly on-site seminars with art historians and visiting artists.
  • Daily on site critiques along with weekly group critiques focusing on each students artwork as a whole.
  • Field trips to Pompeii & Herculaneum, along with an opportunity to visit Florence & Venice.

In order to take part in this experience, I’m trying to raise money to cover tuition and other numerous expenses. Airline travel and transportation to and from the program, art supplies and food are not included in the tuition. This internship experience is an excellent chance for me to further my interests within fine art and teaching. Please help me by sponsoring a portion of my trip. Any contribution you make will bring me that much closer to this truely honorable experience.  
I have set up a Paypal tool on my homepage if you would like to make a donation.
Please leave a comment if you have any additional questions or want to hear more about this extraordinary opportunity.