Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4: Day 4

Two days ago I took a tumble on the street, and nearly broke my ankle. I stepped into a large divet on the sidewalk, and twisted my ankle pretty bad. Luckily I was with a few of my roommates, and they really helped me to get it wrapped right away, and put into a taxi back home. I got ice on it as soon as I got back, but it hurt a ton. I was able to walk, but everyone told me to keep it up for a few days, so thats what I did. Today was suppose to be my first day of class, but because of my ankle, I had to stay home. I painted some from my window, and then decided to try and move down to the garden to do some drawings. I got downstairs and realized I was feeling pretty good, so I decided to go for a walk across the river. Once I got back across on the other side again, I decided to try and find an bancomat. I asked for directions, and the man said in Italian that the closest one was on Trestaverdi, so I figured, why not! I got to the ATM, and then figured I was already close to the area where all the supermarkets are, so I went grocery shopping after asking directions. It was great being out and about, but I couldnt figure out what to buy at the store. I have about a 20 minute walk home from the store, so I could only get about 3 bags worth of groceries. Once I arrived home, everyone was back from class. I went and sat on the terrace with some of the roommates until dinnertime, where 5 of my roommates made dinner for the 14 of us. We decided that we will do group dinners every Monday, and that a different set of people will cook everytime. It was really great, we had spaghetti with tomatoes, green salad, caprese salad (mozz and tomatoes,) and ricotta cheese. After dinner, Kelli, Nick, Katey and I all went out for gelato. It was a pretty nice relaxing day. Tomorrow I will be starting my first day of class at the Spanish Steps. I was suppose to go to Piazza Navona today, but I was ordered by my professors to stay home. I figured I'd try tomorrow, and hopefully make it through the day ok. Here are some pictures from my walk today, and a few snapshots of my apartment. More to come soon!

im walking across a bridge, and this is what is to my right.

really old ruined bridge.

gas station (land mark for the apartment)

backway home

playing futbol

cute dog

i love cobblestones

gate to my apartment. (church on the grounds was built in 1192!)

courtyard area


more garden

yet again, garden

common room

common room and part of kitchen

common room couches

food storage for 14 people is hard to come by

my bedroom (and Kelli's)

my bed

really tall windows!!

outside apartment looking in

view from our terrace

view of garden from the terrace

still our garden (largest private courtyard in Rome!!)

our terrace

Communal dinner that Susan, Janine, Katey, and Emily made tonight. 

a few of my roommates

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