Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 6: Day 6

Yesterday we painted from the top of the Spanish Steps all the way to Piazza de Popolo. Since we pretty much were painting rooftops, I had to stand for a majority of the morning, and couldn't get off my ankle that much. I am definitely paying for that today. After painting class, I decided to go home since my ankle swelled back up to the size it was on the day it happened. As Carole and I were headed to the bus, Cecilia (one of my roommates) fell down a couple steps. We decided to take her with us home, since her knee to a majority of the fall. We hopped a bus, and then a tram, and then had to make the 7 minutes walk home from there. Once we got upstairs, we both got ice and went to bed. When I woke up, everyone was home from drawing. I decided to reheat some of the pasta sauce I made for dinner last night. After I ate, everyone was going out, so I decided to join them for a short trip for gelato. As a group, we then moved to a small bar where I sat for about 10 minutes and then decided to go home. A few others decided to join me, so we walked about 10 minutes home, and when we arrived, we discovered none of our keys would work. It was alittle before 11:30pm, and 4 of our roommates were inside the apartment in bed. We started ringing the bell and knocking loudly, but we soon discovered this was doing nothing. I had left my cell phone with everyones numbers I received yesterday on the end table about 5 feet inside the door, so that didn't help us at all. Eventually Emily and Katey went down to the 3rd floor and asked some students from another program if they had the phone number for the housing lady, Helena. We reached her by phone around midnight, and she came right over to help. Once we told her that there were people inside, she wasnt very happy that they werent responding to all the noise. She went back and got a crowbar and a hammer, but it didnt help at all since its a Roman lock. She then thought about hitting on the inner wall of the elevator and calling some of our roommates names. That finally woke up Kathan, who must be dead to the world while sleeping. By the time we got inside, it was nearly 1:00am, which meant we had been locked out of our own apartment for almost 1 1/2 hours. To say the least, there is never a dull moment around here.

Today I've decided to stay in, because my ankle is really bothering me. Helena is out getting me an ace bandage, and then later tonight Tristan is going to wrap it for me. I already contacted my professors, and they have both given me assignments to do while at home today. Tomorrow we have a morning painting class in place of art history, since our art history professor is in Egypt right now for his brothers wedding. Then tomorrow after lunch is our first crit, so I definitely need to do some more work today for that.

Even with being in a decent amount of paint, this whole experience in Rome has been pretty wonderful so far. This weekend I plan on staying around the area, and bus hopping all day so I can get a lay of the land. Sometime soon, it will start to become my responsibility to make sure everyone knows where they are going in the mornings, and how to use the buses. Rome offers an all inclusive bus/metro card for the entire month you buy it for (Eur35), so it won't cost me anything extra. This way as well, I can see a lot of Rome, and still stay off my ankle.

I will have photos later from the last few days, but honestly my camera is in my room, and Im icing my foot right now.

Ciao for now!

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